Mark Purney
Prior to becoming an RPT in 2007, Mark earned a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Cleveland State University and spent 20 years designing electronics and software. Mark studied classical piano at the Cleveland Institute of Music as a youth, played keyboard and guitar in multiple bands, and still plays with his church's worship band. Mark is an avid inventor, having designed numerous speciality tools many piano technicians use worldwide. This led to Mark and his partner Dawn launching Supply88 in 2015. Mark's designs include the Kestrel, the world's lightest carbon fibre piano tuning lever, and Piano Wire Tires, an easier way to store and transport piano wire for field repairs. Mark has also been an active volunteer in the Piano Technicians Guild, serving four years on the Board of Directors (2015-2019 Western Regional VP), four years on the Institute (2014 Director), and chairing multiple committees. Having attended many conventions, seminars, and factory training programs, he's a veteran participant in and contributor to continued education, promoting excellence in the field of piano technology.
Appears in 1 Episode

A Moment Of Frustration Becomes A Million Dollar Idea w/ Mark Purney, RPT, Owner Of Supply 88
Sometimes a problem is just a path to unique new creations. We all have problems. We all have some that even make us want to give up and crawl into a fetal position. F...